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Extending Worship Throughout the Week

Find ways below to bring worship into your home...

Review past lesson readings or prepare for upcoming Sundays.

Children's Bulletins

Children's Worship Bulletins provides fun, age-appropriate ways to involve children in Worship on Sundays with activities based on the Gospel of the day. If you missed a Sunday or left a bulletin at church you can request past bulletins to be emailed to you. 

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Weekly Gospel Devotional

Every Monday, Augsburg Fortress, the official publishing house of the ELCA, will send via email, a devotional message and selection of artwork based on the text from the day before. Continue to reflect and ponder the words from Sunday as you begin your week. 

The Lord's Prayer

It’s never too early to begin teaching children the Lord’s Prayer and to pray it as a family so they can begin to join in at Worship. This powerful prayer, found two places in the gospels, gives us a perfect model for praying. You might be surprised what words little children misunderstand and may think we are saying as we sometimes mindlessly recite this important prayer, as in this video from Sparkhouse.

The Apostles' Creed

Watch and contemplate this visual statement of the Apostles' Creed.

Sunday's Scriptures

Working Preacher is a ministry brought to you by The Luther Seminary. Although it is meant for helping Pastors prepare their sermons, it is a rich resource for anyone interested in digging deeper into our weekly readings. The website features quality commentaries, articles and videos. The Sermon Brainwave podcasts provide engaging weekly conversation on Sunday's Scripture passages. You will find much to explore on this site. 


Between Sundays

Watch a video relating to the Gospel lesson for the upcoming week or from past weeks.

Chuck Knows Church

These videos help explain complex subjects about church and worship in a fun and informative way. As your family watches the videos below "Chuck" will help you learn more about worship while also inviting you to have deeper conversations with your pastor. 

Why Church on Sunday


The Lord's Prayer


Liturgical Colors

Affirmation of Faith/Creeds

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