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Opportunities for Growing Faith at Home

Research shows that parents are the most important influence on the transmission of faith to their children. We also know that families in the 21st Century are extremely busy. The following resources provide simple ways to fit faith into busy schedules ensuring that children understand how important faith is to their family. 

"Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise." 

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Learning to Pray

Learning to pray regularly at a very early age is essential to developing a relationship with God. Below are several simple methods for introducing prayer to young children. 

Liturgical Calendar

The Liturgical calendar divides the church year into different seasons of the church starting with Advent when we await the birth of Jesus. It unfolds with an annual cycle of holy days that guide the scripture readings and colors used in our worship services. These seasons are shown in this image (click it for an enlarged printable version). Click the buttons below to learn more about the history of this calendar and the meanings of the seasons and liturgical colors.

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Lectionary Links

Storypath connects children's literature with our faith story through the work of theological students and staff. This site provides reviews of children's books that make connections to the Revised Common Lectionary texts - the weekly readings we use in worship (explained above). Even without having these actual books the connecting points made between these stories' simple themes and biblical stories can be shared with your children to help teach important values and faith lessons.

Family Sharing

Making time to share your day with each other and discovering how you might find God in your everyday situations will bring your family closer together. This will also teach your children that God is always with them wherever they are. Faith 5 has a simple plan for making this part of your everyday routine.


Pre-Teen Video

At home or on the go the "Kids Bible Experience" on the YouVersion Bible App is an engaging way for pre-teens/family to connect with God's word. The short, fun, relevant videos, questions and prayers are easy for kids to relate to. Just download the free app and scroll to the bottom of the homepage to find it.

Spark Family Magazine

Spark Family is a quarterly subscription provided for free by FULC. Each colorful issue is based on seasons and biblical themes. The 48 page magazine is packed full of faith activities that easily fit into a family's busy schedule. Keep it in your car, on the kitchen table or at your child's bedside for conversation starters, prayers, and bible trivia. It is recommended for children in preschool through 4th grade, but all ages will enjoy this great family resource. Click above to be added to the subscription list.

The Values Project

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This project was an initiative in 2017 by the publisher Sparkhouse to provide inspirational and practical ideas for families to help their children grow emotionally, socially and spiritually. Each of the value themes listed below link to a document with activities, crafts and games related to that particualr value. 

Create a  Home Altar

Creating a space in your home for quiet devotion, prayer or bible study can be a fun project. This special place your family creates can be a daily reminder to keep God a priority at your home. It can be used together or for time alone with God. It could be a corner of a room, a small side table, a mantle, or even the centerpiece at a dining table. 

Family Seasonal Activities & Devotions

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The Season of Pentecost

We are still in the long season of Pentecost which began with the Day of Pentecost on May 23, 2021, the 50th day (7th Sunday) after Easter when we celebrated the arrival of God’s promised gift of the Holy Spirit. The liturgical color of that day is Red symbolizing the flame of the Spirit. The Sunday after that was Holy Trinity Sunday, a day to remember that God is three in one (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). The liturgical color is white, symbolizing holiness. The season of Pentecost will continue until Advent, making it the longest of the church seasons and also the last in the liturgical year. It is often referred to as “Ordinary Time”. The liturgical color of this season is Green symbolizing growth in faith. It is a time of discipleship, learning and following as the Gospel readings focus on Jesus’ teachings and his ongoing work through his followers who are empowered by the Holy Spirit to share his message of Good News.  

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Bring a little faith into your pumpkin carving this year using the Pumpkin Prayer and lesson below as a guide.

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